Junior High - Grades 6 - 7 - 8
The St. George Religious Education Program for junior high is part of the youth ministry program. The students are encouraged to live the Sunday Gospel message and to focus on the Eucharist as a center. All students who enroll and are not baptized at St. George, must present a Baptismal certificate at registration or through prior arrangements. There is a registration fee for Sunday school.
The St. George Religious Education Program for junior high is part of the youth ministry program. The students are encouraged to live the Sunday Gospel message and to focus on the Eucharist as a center. All students who enroll and are not baptized at St. George, must present a Baptismal certificate at registration or through prior arrangements. There is a registration fee for Sunday school.
Class Time
Grades 6-7-8 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
The 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students are preparing themselves to become more involved with the Church. These years are the beginning of the relationship that they need to build with their Church community. Part of their Sunday education is to become more familiar with what the Sunday gospel is saying. Talking about the gospel in reference to what the message is and taking this message so that it can be lived are at the core of the Sunday class. More than that, these youngsters are forming partnerships with each other and in the big picture, with their parish family. Ultimately, St. George wants these young pre-teens and teens to connect to the life of the parish.
Students who did not receive the sacrament of Confirmation will be prepared to receive sacrament as well as those in grades two on up. The reception of the sacrament of Confirmation is dependent upon the candidate and the readiness displayed in class attendance, Mass attendance and knowledge of faith content. Readiness is also modeled in student behavior, willingness to do service, prayer life and witness to others. Delaying the reception of sacraments may be indicated for some reason and the candidate will continue preparation until ready.
Grades 6-7-8 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
The 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students are preparing themselves to become more involved with the Church. These years are the beginning of the relationship that they need to build with their Church community. Part of their Sunday education is to become more familiar with what the Sunday gospel is saying. Talking about the gospel in reference to what the message is and taking this message so that it can be lived are at the core of the Sunday class. More than that, these youngsters are forming partnerships with each other and in the big picture, with their parish family. Ultimately, St. George wants these young pre-teens and teens to connect to the life of the parish.
Students who did not receive the sacrament of Confirmation will be prepared to receive sacrament as well as those in grades two on up. The reception of the sacrament of Confirmation is dependent upon the candidate and the readiness displayed in class attendance, Mass attendance and knowledge of faith content. Readiness is also modeled in student behavior, willingness to do service, prayer life and witness to others. Delaying the reception of sacraments may be indicated for some reason and the candidate will continue preparation until ready.