There are many ways to serve God through various ministries in the Church and we encourage parishioners to become actively involved. If you are interested in serving in one or more of the following ministries or committees, please call the parish office at (808) 259-7188 and leave a message.
Pastoral Council - Chair: Luisa Manueli
The Pastoral Council meets on the 2nd Sunday of every month after the 9:30 a.m. Mass (unless otherwise scheduled) to discuss various topics and issues affecting the parish. All parishioners are welcomed to attend the meetings.
Stewardship Ministry - Chair: Maydene Simmons
The Stewardship Ministry is comprised of coordinators of the various parish ministries. This group meets on the 3rd Sunday of the month, after the 9:30am Mass.
Liturgical Committee - Chair: Denis Dela Cruz
The Liturgical Committee, comprised of representatives from various ministries, is responsible for preparing the liturgy for the different seasons throughout the Church year. This committee works to enhance spiritual experiences through the use of various visual displays and decorations, seasonal colors, floral arrangements, and music.
Altar Servers - Coordinator: Gabriela Gosiaco
Altar Servers assist the priest and deacon with the various parts of the Mass. Children, youth and adults who have received First Eucharist are welcomed and encouraged to join this ministry.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion - Coordinator: Bernie Seabury
The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion serve the Lord by assisting the priest and deacon in serving the precious Body and Blood of Christ at Mass.They also take the Body of Christ to home bound parishioners on Sunday mornings. If you or someone you know lives in Waimanalo, is unable to attend Sunday Mass, and would like to receive Communion on Sunday mornings, please call the parish office at (808) 259-7188. Ministers will be happy to come and visit you!
Second Friday Home Visits and Anointing of the Sick
On the second Friday of the month, the priest visits home bound parishioners and takes them the Body of Christ. The Sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick are also administered as needed. If you or someone you know who lives in Waimanalo are home bound and would like to have the priest visit on the second Friday of the month, please contact the parish office at
Administration of the Anointing of the Sick to those who are in the hospital or nursing home is available as needed. Please call the parish office to arrange for a visit.
Lectors - Coordinator: Bootsie Kauwe
Lectors, or Ministers of the Word, serve the Lord by assisting the priest and deacon during Mass in proclaiming the Word of God in readings from the Old and New Testaments.
Music - Celia Chun-Wright
Music at weekend Masses includes contemporary and traditional liturgical hymns. The music at the 9:30am "Spirit" Mass on the 3rd Sunday of the month involves youth/young adult participants. Hawaiian songs are sung at the Saturday evening Mass.
The assembly is encouraged to sing along and together give thanks and praise to our Lord in song. If you play an instrument and/or like to sing, you are always welcomed to join the music ministry!
Sacristans - Diane Carlos, Dennis Dela Cruz & Carlotta Kidder
Sacristans are “behind the scenes” ministers who ensure that everything is set and in place in preparation for all Masses during the week (daily morning Mass and Sunday Masses). Sacristans also set up for baptisms, marriages, and funerals.
Ushers - Coordinator: Manny Valmoja
Ushers are usually the first people you will see as you enter church. They will greet you and welcome you to St. George church. The Ushers are the collectors of church "envelopes", offerings and donations at the Offertory part of the Mass. Ushers also assist the priest as needed during Mass.
Religious Education - Vicky DeSilva (Director of Religious Education)
Religious Education and Confirmation classes are offered on Sundays for parishioners. Children and youth from pre-school through high school are participants. Classes for grades K - 5 are held from 8:15 – 9:15 am.; a 4-yr-old class takes place during the 9:30 am Mass; grades 6 - 8 meet from 10:30 am. - 12 noon; and high school classes meet from 5:30 pm-7 pm Sunday evenings. Registration for classes takes place in August. Classes run from September (the Sunday after Labor Day) through early May.
OCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) - Paul and Maria Dumas
OCIA class is for adults who desire to become Catholic Christians, who want to learn more about the Catholic faith, and for those adults who were baptized as Catholics but who may have not yet received the Sacrament of Eucharist and/or the Sacrament of Confirmation. It is also a way for those who have been away from the Church for a while to “brush up” on their faith. RCIA classes are held in Mary's Haven on Sunday mornings at 8 - 9:30 a.m. from September through early May.
Outreach and Community Services
St. George's parish Outreach program serves the town of Waimanalo by running a food pantry for those in the community who are in need. All are welcomed and need not be a parishioner of St. George parish to receive this service. There are times when the food supply gets low but donations by parishioners, visitors and friends help keep St. George's pantry shelves stocked so that no one is turned away. Donations from Aloha Harvest are also made to St. George Outreach.
Bereavement Ministry - Coordinator, Carlotta Kidder
This ministry assists families going through the process of planning for the services of a loved one who recently passed. The ministers are committed to planning and working with families before the services, being on site and assisting families during the service, and supporting the families after their loved one is interred. Call St. George Church for more information at 259-7188.
Lord's Treasury (Sunday Collection Counters)
Finance Committee - Chair: Shawnie Campbell
Building Maintenance & Special Projects Committee - Malala Mcmoore
Filipino Catholic Community -
Youth Ministry -
Young Adult Ministry - Coordinators, Tania Brown and Luigi Gaerlan
Pastoral Council - Chair: Luisa Manueli
The Pastoral Council meets on the 2nd Sunday of every month after the 9:30 a.m. Mass (unless otherwise scheduled) to discuss various topics and issues affecting the parish. All parishioners are welcomed to attend the meetings.
Stewardship Ministry - Chair: Maydene Simmons
The Stewardship Ministry is comprised of coordinators of the various parish ministries. This group meets on the 3rd Sunday of the month, after the 9:30am Mass.
Liturgical Committee - Chair: Denis Dela Cruz
The Liturgical Committee, comprised of representatives from various ministries, is responsible for preparing the liturgy for the different seasons throughout the Church year. This committee works to enhance spiritual experiences through the use of various visual displays and decorations, seasonal colors, floral arrangements, and music.
Altar Servers - Coordinator: Gabriela Gosiaco
Altar Servers assist the priest and deacon with the various parts of the Mass. Children, youth and adults who have received First Eucharist are welcomed and encouraged to join this ministry.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion - Coordinator: Bernie Seabury
The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion serve the Lord by assisting the priest and deacon in serving the precious Body and Blood of Christ at Mass.They also take the Body of Christ to home bound parishioners on Sunday mornings. If you or someone you know lives in Waimanalo, is unable to attend Sunday Mass, and would like to receive Communion on Sunday mornings, please call the parish office at (808) 259-7188. Ministers will be happy to come and visit you!
Second Friday Home Visits and Anointing of the Sick
On the second Friday of the month, the priest visits home bound parishioners and takes them the Body of Christ. The Sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick are also administered as needed. If you or someone you know who lives in Waimanalo are home bound and would like to have the priest visit on the second Friday of the month, please contact the parish office at
Administration of the Anointing of the Sick to those who are in the hospital or nursing home is available as needed. Please call the parish office to arrange for a visit.
Lectors - Coordinator: Bootsie Kauwe
Lectors, or Ministers of the Word, serve the Lord by assisting the priest and deacon during Mass in proclaiming the Word of God in readings from the Old and New Testaments.
Music - Celia Chun-Wright
Music at weekend Masses includes contemporary and traditional liturgical hymns. The music at the 9:30am "Spirit" Mass on the 3rd Sunday of the month involves youth/young adult participants. Hawaiian songs are sung at the Saturday evening Mass.
The assembly is encouraged to sing along and together give thanks and praise to our Lord in song. If you play an instrument and/or like to sing, you are always welcomed to join the music ministry!
Sacristans - Diane Carlos, Dennis Dela Cruz & Carlotta Kidder
Sacristans are “behind the scenes” ministers who ensure that everything is set and in place in preparation for all Masses during the week (daily morning Mass and Sunday Masses). Sacristans also set up for baptisms, marriages, and funerals.
Ushers - Coordinator: Manny Valmoja
Ushers are usually the first people you will see as you enter church. They will greet you and welcome you to St. George church. The Ushers are the collectors of church "envelopes", offerings and donations at the Offertory part of the Mass. Ushers also assist the priest as needed during Mass.
Religious Education - Vicky DeSilva (Director of Religious Education)
Religious Education and Confirmation classes are offered on Sundays for parishioners. Children and youth from pre-school through high school are participants. Classes for grades K - 5 are held from 8:15 – 9:15 am.; a 4-yr-old class takes place during the 9:30 am Mass; grades 6 - 8 meet from 10:30 am. - 12 noon; and high school classes meet from 5:30 pm-7 pm Sunday evenings. Registration for classes takes place in August. Classes run from September (the Sunday after Labor Day) through early May.
OCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) - Paul and Maria Dumas
OCIA class is for adults who desire to become Catholic Christians, who want to learn more about the Catholic faith, and for those adults who were baptized as Catholics but who may have not yet received the Sacrament of Eucharist and/or the Sacrament of Confirmation. It is also a way for those who have been away from the Church for a while to “brush up” on their faith. RCIA classes are held in Mary's Haven on Sunday mornings at 8 - 9:30 a.m. from September through early May.
Outreach and Community Services
St. George's parish Outreach program serves the town of Waimanalo by running a food pantry for those in the community who are in need. All are welcomed and need not be a parishioner of St. George parish to receive this service. There are times when the food supply gets low but donations by parishioners, visitors and friends help keep St. George's pantry shelves stocked so that no one is turned away. Donations from Aloha Harvest are also made to St. George Outreach.
Bereavement Ministry - Coordinator, Carlotta Kidder
This ministry assists families going through the process of planning for the services of a loved one who recently passed. The ministers are committed to planning and working with families before the services, being on site and assisting families during the service, and supporting the families after their loved one is interred. Call St. George Church for more information at 259-7188.
Lord's Treasury (Sunday Collection Counters)
Finance Committee - Chair: Shawnie Campbell
Building Maintenance & Special Projects Committee - Malala Mcmoore
Filipino Catholic Community -
Youth Ministry -
Young Adult Ministry - Coordinators, Tania Brown and Luigi Gaerlan