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The Fund's HistoryIn 2001, God called home Mary Lou Hajdamowicz of Worcester, Massachusetts after her long battle with cancer. Mary Lou’s family generously provided the seeds for the Mary Lou Scholarship Fund, which was established in her loving memory in August 2003. This legacy was created to enable needy students to obtain a Catholic education. The chosen beneficiaries were the families of St. George Parish in Waimanalo, Hawai`i, where Mary Lou’s cousin, Msgr. William F. Mattimore, fondly known to his parish as “Father Bill,” served as Administrator from November 1997 until his retirement in December 2006.
Father Bill believed that, as a parish without its own school, St. George Church could promote Catholic education beyond its CCD, RCIA, and other parish programs by providing needed financial assistance to students of the parish who wish to attend, or who are enrolled in, a Hawai`i Catholic school. St. George Parish is committed to nurturing Father Bill’s vision and to growing Mary Lou’s legacy into a living endowment. |
How to ApplyApplications are now being accepted for the 2024-2025 school year.
Step 1 Complete an online application with the Augustine Educational Foundation by March 1, 2024 (Deadline extended for St. George applicants). Application fees will be waived. Please call the Augustine Education Foundation office at (808) 230-2440 to request the waiver. Click here to apply online. Step 2 Complete an application for the Mary Lou Scholarship Fund and turn it into the St. George Parish Office by April 19, 2024 at noon HST. Download the application here. |